英国税务机构HMRC因低估55亿英镑的逃税损失而面临批评。 UK tax agency HMRC faces criticism over underestimating £5.5 billion in tax evasion losses.
英国税务当局HMRC被指控严重低估逃税损失,目前估计有55亿英镑。 The UK's tax authority, HMRC, is accused of vastly underestimating tax evasion losses, currently estimated at £5.5 billion. 共同公共账户委员会(PAC)警告HMRC的程序容易被滥用,对增值税的登记检查不严,而且与其他机构缺乏合作。 The Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) warns HMRC’s processes are open to abuse, with lax checks on VAT registrations and a lack of collaboration with other agencies. 该委员会正在呼吁高管委制定更明确的战略,以解决逃税问题和改进监督工作。 The committee is calling for a clearer strategy from HMRC to tackle evasion and improve oversight.