五角大楼向美国-墨西哥边界增派1 500名部队,协助边境安全工作。 Pentagon to deploy 1,500 more troops to U.S.-Mexico border, aiding border security efforts.
五角大楼计划向美国-墨西哥边境增派1 500名现役部队,使总兵力增至约3 600人。 The Pentagon plans to send an additional 1,500 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, raising the total to around 3,600. 这一行动支持特朗普总统加强边境安全和遏制非法移民的努力。 This action supports President Trump's efforts to strengthen border security and curb illegal immigration. 该部署包括北卡罗来纳自由堡的一个后勤旅,已经部署了1 600名部队官兵,预计不久将再部署500人。 The deployment includes a logistics brigade from Fort Liberty in North Carolina, with 1,600 troops already deployed and another 500 expected soon. 此外,500名海军陆战队士兵将被派往关塔那摩湾,为被拘留的移民作准备。 Additionally, 500 Marines will be sent to Guantanamo Bay to prepare for detained migrants.