来自坎贝尔堡的美国宪兵部署到南部边界,以加强安全工作。 U.S. military police from Fort Campbell deployed to the southern border to enhance security efforts.
1月25日,来自坎贝尔堡第716宪兵营第101空降师一部分的士兵被部署到美国南部边界,以加强边境安全工作。 Soldiers from Fort Campbell's 716th Military Police Battalion, part of the 101st Airborne Division, were deployed to the U.S. southern border on January 25 to bolster border security efforts. 他们将支持美国北方司令部,并与国土安全部以及海关和边境保护局合作。 They will support U.S. Northern Command and work alongside the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection. 菲利普·梅森中校强调,该部队准备执行任务并感到自豪。 Lt. Col. Phillip Mason emphasized the unit's readiness and pride in their mission.