五角大楼将部署多达一万人的部队 参加特朗普的移民镇压行动 Pentagon to deploy up to 10,000 troops for Trump's immigration crackdown.
五角大楼计划再部署1 000名现役部队,以支持特朗普总统打击非法移民的行动。 The Pentagon plans to deploy an additional 1,000 active-duty troops to support President Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration. 大约500名士兵将被派往西南边界,协助设置障碍和支持边境巡逻队,500名海军陆战队士兵将被部署到古巴关塔那摩湾,为关押被拘留的移民做准备。 About 500 soldiers will be sent to the southwest border to assist with barriers and support to the Border Patrol, while 500 Marines will be deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to prepare for holding detained migrants. 部署的总兵力可能多达10 000人。 The total deployment could reach up to 10,000 troops.