五角大楼确认美国在叙利亚有2 000多名士兵 超过前两次报告 Pentagon confirms U.S. has over 2,000 troops in Syria, more than double previous reports.
五角大楼透露,美国驻叙利亚部队的人数约为2 000人,比先前报告的900人增加了一倍多。 The Pentagon has revealed that the number of U.S. troops in Syria is around 2,000, more than double the previously reported 900. 增派的这些部队被认为是临时的,是为了支持正在进行的打击伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国的任务。 These additional troops are considered temporary and are there to support the ongoing mission against ISIS. 增加的部队存在已经存在数月或更长。 The increased troop presence has been in place for months or longer. 这一披露是在对巴沙尔·阿萨德总统政权倒台后叙利亚安全局势的担忧中出现的。 The revelation comes amid concerns over the security situation in Syria following the fall of President Bashar al-Assad's regime.