联邦调查局和新西兰警方调查了由二人宗教团体在秘密的二人小组中提出的性虐待指控。 FBI and New Zealand police investigate sexual abuse allegations in the secretive Two by Twos religious group.
联邦调查局和新西兰警方正在调查两个宗教团体秘密二号内部的性虐待指控。 The FBI and New Zealand police are investigating sexual abuse allegations within the secretive Two by Twos religious group. 该团体在私人家中开会,在新西兰有大约2 500名成员。 The group, which meets in private homes, has about 2,500 members in New Zealand. 联邦调查局要求受害者站出来,与新西兰警方取得联系,并指控两名男子犯有历史上的性虐待罪。 The FBI asked victims to come forward, leading to contacts from New Zealand police and charges against two men for historical sexual abuse. 为支持受害者开通了一条热线电话。 A hotline has been set up to support victims.