宗教领袖兼伙伴在悉尼被捕,被控自 6 岁起诱骗女性。 Religious leader and partner arrested in Sydney, charged with grooming woman since age 6.
一名宗教领袖和他的伴侣在悉尼被捕,罪名是诱骗一名六岁的女性。 A religious leader and his partner have been arrested in Sydney, accused of grooming a woman from the age of six. 这项调查于 2023 年 9 月开始,此前有报道称该妇女曾遭受虐待。 The investigation, which began in September 2023, followed reports of historical abuse involving the woman. 两人在悉尼市中心的一处地点被捕,预计将被指控诱骗儿童罪。 The pair were arrested at an address in Sydney’s city centre and are expected to be charged with child grooming offences. 预计该男子还将被指控未能遵守延长监管令。 The man is also expected to be charged with failing to comply with his extended supervision order.