英国广播公司揭露了几十年来秘密的美国基督教教派 强迫领养成百上千名儿童 BBC uncovers secretive US Christian sect's forced adoption of hundreds of children over decades.
英国广播公司的调查显示,一个秘密的美国基督教教派 " 真理或二对二 " 组织,据称从1950年代到1990年代,强迫数百名未婚妇女放弃子女供收养。 A BBC investigation reveals that The Truth or the Two by Twos, a secretive US Christian sect, allegedly forced hundreds of unmarried women to give up their children for adoption from the 1950s to the 1990s. 妇女被胁迫放弃自己的婴儿,害怕被驱逐出境,如果她们拒绝,就会受到诅咒。 Women were coerced into giving up their babies, fearing expulsion and damnation if they refused. 被收养人报告说,收养家庭中存在虐待和忽视现象,导致联邦调查局进行调查。 Adoptees reported abuse and neglect in their adoptive families, leading to an FBI investigation. 受到影响的儿童人数(称为“Baldwin Babies”)并不明确,但估计不到200名。 The number of affected children, known as "Baldwin Babies," is unclear but estimated to be less than 200. 教会没有对指控作出评论。 The church has not commented on the allegations.