秘密教派前部长罗伯特·科菲尔德承认性虐待儿童。 Robert Corfield, ex-minister of secretive sect, admits to child sex abuse.
罗伯特·科菲尔德 (Robert Corfield) 是一家秘密基督教会的前牧师,他公开承认在 20 世纪 80 年代对一名男孩进行了性虐待。 A former minister of a secretive Christian church, Robert Corfield, has publicly admitted to sexually abusing a boy in the 1980s. 此案是涉及教会内 700 多名涉嫌虐待者的指控的一部分,该指控被称为“真理或道路”。 This case is part of allegations involving over 700 alleged abusers within the church, known as The Truth or The Way. 该教会在全球拥有约 10 万名会员,因其孤立和隐秘的性质而被指控助长虐待行为,其中包括不成文的规定,例如在团体内结婚和尽量减少与外人的接触。 The church, with around 100,000 members globally, has been accused of helping abuse to thrive due to its insular and secretive nature, which includes unwritten rules like marrying within the group and minimizing contact with outsiders. 该教会于 1897 年在爱尔兰成立,以牧师口口相传传播新约教义为基础。 The church was founded in Ireland in 1897 and is based on ministers spreading New Testament teachings by word-of-mouth. 倡导团体“真相倡导者”设立了热线电话来接收此类案件的报告。 Advocates for The Truth, an advocacy group, has set up a hotline to receive reports of such cases.