美国监察官透露了菲律宾80多名被控虐待未成年人的天主教牧师的数据库。 U.S. watchdog reveals database of over 80 Catholic priests in the Philippines accused of abusing minors.
一个美国监察小组公布了一个数据库,其中列出菲律宾80多名被控对未成年人进行性虐待的天主教牧师。 A U.S. watchdog group has released a database listing over 80 Catholic priests in the Philippines accused of sexually abusing minors. 其中至少有7名神父继续在教区服务。 At least seven of these priests continue to serve in parishes. 该团体BishopAccountable.org声称菲律宾主教对这些案件保持沉默相当于掩盖事实。 The group, BishopAccountability.org, claims the silence of Filipino bishops regarding these cases amounts to a cover-up. 虽然菲律宾法院没有判定任何牧师有罪, 但该团体敦促教会领袖及政府问责并采取行动。 Though no priest has been convicted in Philippine courts, the group urges for accountability and action from church leaders and the government.