新西兰音乐家因11项虐待指控,包括攻击和威胁前伴侣,面临审判。 New Zealand musician faces trial for 11 abuse charges, including assault and threats against ex-partner.
一名新西兰音乐家因11项虐待前伴侣的指控(包括殴打和威胁杀人)受审。 A New Zealand musician is on trial for 11 charges of abuse against a former partner, including assault and threatening to kill. 申诉人作证说发生了多起人身虐待事件,包括勒死和用瓶子殴打,而音乐家否认指控,声称是自卫。 The complainant testified about multiple instances of physical abuse, including strangulation and assault with a bottle, while the musician denies the charges, claiming self-defense. 奥克兰地区法院目前正在进行审判。 The trial is ongoing in Auckland District Court.