在堪培拉,男子面临136项家庭暴力和性犯罪指控,为期18年。 Man faces 136 charges of family violence and sexual crimes in Canberra, spanning 18 years.
堪培拉的一名39岁男子在2002年至2020年期间面临136项家庭暴力和性犯罪指控,涉及11名受害者。 A 39-year-old man in Canberra faces 136 charges of family violence and sexual crimes against 11 victims spanning from 2002 to 2020. 指控包括乱伦、性攻击和造成身体伤害的攻击。 The charges include incest, sexual assault, and assault causing bodily harm. 他的律师计划不认罪,他的案件将于下个月在澳大利亚首都地区治安法院进行。 His lawyers plan to enter not guilty pleas, and his case will proceed in the ACT Magistrates Court next month.