一名新西兰人因关押其前伴侣并用锤子严重伤害她而被监禁。 A New Zealander was jailed for holding his ex-partner captive and severely injuring her with a hammer.
来自新西兰Tauranga的一名25岁男子在关押其前伴侣两天后被判处监禁,并用锤子严重殴打她,造成牙齿骨折、脸骨骨折以及持续的心理健康问题,包括焦虑和抑郁症。 A 25-year-old man from Tauranga, New Zealand, was sentenced to prison after holding his ex-partner captive for two days and severely assaulting her with a hammer, causing broken teeth, a fractured cheekbone, and ongoing mental health issues including anxiety and depression. 他对四项指控认罪,包括严重身体伤害、绑架、勒死和威胁杀人。 He pleaded guilty to four charges including grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, strangulation, and threatening to kill. 法官注意到在作出判决时对受害人的健康产生的持久影响。 The judge took note of the lasting impact on the victim's health while delivering the sentence.