以前被宣告无罪的谋杀嫌疑人现在在汉密尔顿面临新的人身攻击指控。 Formerly acquitted murder suspect now faces new assault charges in Hamilton.
在汉密尔顿,一名先前被判定无罪的嫌疑人现在面临殴打罪指控。 In Hamilton, a suspect previously found not guilty of murder is now facing assault charges. 该案突显了司法系统的复杂性,在司法系统中,个人可以因不同事件面临多重指控。 The case highlights the complexities of the justice system, where individuals can face multiple charges for different incidents. 没有提供新的攻击案件的细节。 Details of the new assault case are not provided.