法官决定,在北卡罗来纳州死囚区案件中,种族偏见是否影响陪审团的挑选。 Judge to decide if racial bias affected jury selection in North Carolina death row case.
北卡罗来纳州法官将裁定在2009年Hasson Bakote的死刑审判中,种族偏见是否影响了陪审团的选择。 A North Carolina judge is set to rule on whether racial bias influenced jury selection in Hasson Bacote's 2009 death penalty trial. Bakote是一个黑人, 其刑期最近被前任州长Roy Cooper改判为终身监禁。 Bacote is a Black man whose sentence was recently commuted to life in prison by former Governor Roy Cooper. 根据2009年《种族公正法》,该案件可为其他死囚开创先例,如果在审判中证明存在种族偏见,囚犯可以要求重判。 The case could set a precedent for other death row inmates under the Racial Justice Act of 2009, which allows inmates to seek resentencing if racial bias is proven in their trials.