国家州长罗伊·库珀将15例死刑减为无期徒刑, Outgoing NC Governor Roy Cooper commuted 15 death sentences to life in prison, shrinking the state’s death row.
北卡罗来纳州州长罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)将15名男子的死刑减为无假释的终身监禁, Outgoing North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has commuted the death sentences of 15 men to life in prison without parole, reducing the state's death row by over 10%. 这一决定是在对检察官和受害者家属的请愿和投入进行了彻底审查之后作出的。 This decision followed a thorough review of petitions and input from prosecutors and victims' families. 北卡罗来纳州是27个死刑州之一,现在拥有美国第五大死囚区人口,尽管自2006年以来没有执行过死刑。 North Carolina, one of 27 states with the death penalty, now has the fifth-largest death row population in the US, despite not having carried out an execution since 2006.