报告着重指出了美国无期徒刑中的种族差异,佛罗里达州高达近11 000人,其中大部分是黑人囚犯。 Report highlights racial disparities in U.S. life sentences, with Florida topping at nearly 11,000, mostly Black inmates.
“判刑项目”的一份新报告揭露了美国无期徒刑判决中存在的严重的种族差异,佛罗里达州领先,有近11 000人被判终身监禁,其中大部分人没有假释。 A new report by The Sentencing Project exposes significant racial disparities in life sentencing in the U.S., with Florida leading, having nearly 11,000 individuals sentenced to life, mostly without parole. 被判刑的人中几乎一半是黑人,这突出显示了种族偏见在判刑中的影响。 Almost half of those sentenced are Black, highlighting the impact of racial bias in sentencing. 报告呼吁进行改革,减少无期徒刑,但佛罗里达州政府除外。 The report calls for reforms to reduce life sentences, but Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis先前否决了两党法案,旨在缓解再入境和减少累犯。 Ron DeSantis has previously vetoed bipartisan bills aimed at easing re-entry and reducing recidivism.