2009年北卡罗来纳州的死刑犯哈森·贾马尔·巴科特要求将他的死刑判决提前判处终身监禁, 2009 North Carolina death row inmate Hasson Jamaal Bacote seeks remand of his death sentence to life in prison, citing racial bias in jury selection.
美国北卡罗来纳州的死刑犯哈森·贾马尔·巴科特正在争取将其2009年的死刑判决改为终身监禁, North Carolina death row inmate Hasson Jamaal Bacote is fighting to have his 2009 death sentence remanded to life in prison, arguing that racial bias influenced his jury selection process. Bakote的案件是2009年《北卡罗来纳州种族司法法》的一部分,该法于2013年废除,但法院仍在审理中。 Bacote's case is part of the 2009 North Carolina Racial Justice Act, which was repealed in 2013 but is still ongoing in the courts. 该州有100多名死囚根据该法案有待审理的案件,他们试图将他们的死刑判决转换为终身监禁,不得假释。 Over 100 prisoners on death row in the state have pending cases under the act, attempting to convert their death sentences to life in prison without parole. Bacote的律师们提供了显示死刑判决中种族差异的图表,约翰斯顿县所有被判死刑的黑人人均被判处死刑,而白人罪犯只有45%被判处死刑。 Bacote's lawyers presented charts showing racial discrepancies in capital sentences, with all Black individuals with capital sentences in Johnston County receiving the death penalty, while only 45% of white offenders have been sentenced to death. 如果巴科特的上诉胜诉,可能导致重审该州其他100多起死牢案件。 If Bacote's appeal is successful, it could lead to the reconsideration of more than 100 other death row cases in the state.