一名北卡罗来纳州男子在不同事件中被判犯有多起仇恨罪。 A North Carolina man has been convicted of multiple hate crimes in separate incidents.
北卡罗来纳州陪审团判定 52 岁的玛丽安·胡达克 (Marian Hudak) 在两起事件中对一名黑人和一名西班牙裔男子实施仇恨犯罪。 A North Carolina jury has convicted 52-year-old Marian Hudak of hate crimes against a Black man and a Hispanic man in two incidents. 十月,胡达克遇到了一位名叫 J.S. 的黑人。 In October, Hudak encountered a black man named J.S. 在北卡罗来纳州康科德开车时高喊种族歧视言论。 while driving in Concord, N.C., shouting racial slurs. 然后他打了J.S. He then punched J.S. 的车几次,跟随 J.S. 's car several times, followed J.S. 到他家,威胁要开枪杀了他。 to his home, and threatened to shoot and kill him. 2021年11月,胡达克因国籍问题在家门口袭击了西班牙裔邻居J.D.,导致其身体受伤。 In November 2021, Hudak attacked his Hispanic neighbor, J.D., outside his home due to his nationality, causing him to suffer bodily injury.