印度最高法院规定,尽管有政党,律师仍可以担任律师理事会的职位。 India's Supreme Court rules lawyers can hold Bar Council positions despite political party affiliations.
印度最高法院驳回了要求禁止与政党有联系的律师在律师理事会任职的请愿书。 The Supreme Court of India has rejected a petition seeking to ban lawyers affiliated with political parties from holding positions in Bar Councils. 法院辩称,律师协会是知识性机构,成员持有政治观点是没有问题的。 The court argued that bar associations are intellectual bodies and there is no issue with members having political views. 该决定支持以下观点,即政治派别不会剥夺个人在法律组织中担任领导职务的资格。 The decision upholds the idea that political affiliations do not disqualify individuals from leadership roles in legal organizations.