地质学家通过Google Street View(Google Street View)查明了养恤金领取人涉嫌谋杀时所使用的岩石, Geologist identifies rock used in pensioner's alleged murder via Google Street View, aiding Irish murder case.
一位地质学家利用Google Street View(Google Street View)找出了一块流血岩石的可能来源,据指称,在爱尔兰的Donegal,他的尸体被扔下悬崖之前,一名养恤金领取人的头骨骨骨折。 A geologist used Google Street View to identify a possible source of a bloodied rock that allegedly fractured a pensioner's skull before his body was thrown off cliffs in Donegal, Ireland. Sophie O'Connor博士作证说,这块含有血和DNA的岩石与受害人Robert `Robin' Wilkin相匹配,很可能由人类运到该地区。 Dr. Sophie O'Connor testified that the rock, which contained blood and DNA matching the victim, Robert 'Robin' Wilkin, was likely transported to the area by humans. 检方指称Alan Vial和Nikita Burns殴打Wilkin并造成其死亡;两人均否认谋杀指控。 The prosecution alleges that Alan Vial and Nikita Burns assaulted Wilkin and caused his death; both deny the murder charges.