西班牙警方用Google Street View图像解决一宗涉及一名古巴男子被肢解的尸体的谋杀案。 Spanish police used a Google Street View image to solve a murder case involving a Cuban man's dismembered body.
西班牙警方破了一起谋杀案,涉及一名失踪的33岁的古巴男子,他在墓地发现了被肢解的尸骨。 Spanish police solved a murder case involving a missing 33-year-old Cuban man whose dismembered remains were found in a cemetery. 一张谷歌街景图片显示,一名男子将一个白色大袋子装进汽车,导致受害者的妻子和她的情人被捕,他们被称为“塔胡科之狼”。 A Google Street View image showing a man loading a large white bag into a car led to the arrest of the victim's wife and her lover, known as the "Wolf of Tajueco." 犯罪源于一段爱情三角, 调查使用截获的电话和谷歌地图图像. The crime stemmed from a love triangle, and the investigation used intercepted calls and the incriminating Google Maps image.