巨石砸碎本拿比 1 号高速公路上的一辆汽车挡风玻璃,导致司机生命垂危。 Large rock crashes through car windshield on Highway 1 in Burnaby, leaves driver critical.
大温哥华地区 1 号高速公路上发生车祸,一名司机生命垂危,现场发现一块大石头。 A large rock has been found from the scene of a crash on Highway 1 in Metro Vancouver that left a driver in critical condition. 本拿比皇家骑警最初描述称有“不明物体”撞破了汽车挡风玻璃。 Burnaby RCMP initially described an "unknown object" crashing through the car windshield. 事故发生在上午 11 点 24 分左右,地点位于本拿比威灵顿出口附近。警方正在寻找目击者和行车记录仪拍摄的视频,但司机的状况尚无最新消息。 The incident occurred near Burnaby's Willingdon exit at around 11:24 a.m. Police are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage, and there was no update on the driver's condition.