8月22日,在特立尼达的加斯帕里略发现了一名被肢解、砍头的男子的尸体。 In Gasparillo, Trinidad, a decomposed, decapitated man's body was found on August 22.
8月22日,在特立尼达的加斯帕里略发现了一名被肢解、砍头的男子的尸体。 In Gasparillo, Trinidad, a decomposed, decapitated man's body was discovered on August 22. 一名居民在狗不停叫声后在灌木丛中发现了一头人头骨,加斯帕斯蒂略警察后来在30英尺高的悬崖下发现头骨。 A resident found a human skull in bushes after dogs were barking nonstop, and the Gasparillo police later found the torso down a 30-foot precipice. 法医科学中心已下令进行尸检,警方正在寻求公众帮助,以查明此人的身份,并收集有关其谋杀案的信息。 The Forensic Science Centre has ordered an autopsy and the police are seeking public help to identify the man and gather information on his murder.