警方调查金海岸Springbrook国家公园 附近徒步行迹发现的神秘头骨 Police investigate mystery skull found near hiking trail in Springbrook National Park, Gold Coast.
在金海岸的Springbrook国家公园,在距徒步足迹10米的地方发现了一个头骨,可能属于一个儿童或一个光人。 A skull, possibly belonging to a child or a person of light build, was found 10 meters off a hiking trail in Springbrook National Park on the Gold Coast. 警方宣布该地区为犯罪现场,正在调查头骨是否故意放置在那里。 Police declared the area a crime scene and are investigating whether the skull was deliberately placed there. 理论包括它是一个错位的博物馆文物 或是恶作剧 Theories include it being a misplaced museum artifact or a prank. 没有发现最近死亡或玩忽职守的证据,进一步测试如DNA和碳约会可能需要几个月的时间。 No evidence of recent death or foul play has been found, and further tests like DNA and carbon dating may take months.