随着抵押贷款申请的下降,美国购房者保持谨慎,尽管利率略有下降。 U.S. homebuyers stay cautious as mortgage applications drop, despite a slight fall in rates.
在美国购买房屋的抵押贷款申请上周下降了4%, 这表明春季住房市场起步疲软。 Mortgage applications to purchase a home in the U.S. fell 4% last week, signaling a weak start to the spring housing market. 尽管按揭利率略有下降,降至6.97%,但房价继续上涨,使潜在的买家望而却步。 Despite a slight drop in mortgage rates to 6.97%, home prices continue to rise, deterring potential buyers. 再融资申请增加了12%,受益于较低的利率。 Refinance applications increased by 12%, benefiting from lower rates. 与去年相比,出售房屋的供应增加了25%,但房屋销售量接近30年来的最低水平,出售房屋平均耗时54天。 The supply of homes for sale has risen 25% compared to last year, yet home sales are at a near-30-year low, with homes taking an average of 54 days to sell.