苏格兰父母可为2019-2020年出生的子女申请314.45英镑的补助金,以支付学校费用。 Scottish parents can claim a £314.45 grant for children born 2019-2020 to cover school expenses.
敦促苏格兰父母在2019年3月至2020年2月期间出生的子女,在2月28日前申请314.45英镑的付款。 Parents in Scotland with children born between March 2019 and February 2020 are urged to apply for a £314.45 payment by February 28. 这笔付款是 " 最佳起步赠款 " 的一部分,可用于学校用品,如书籍、袋子和衣服。 This payment, part of the Best Start Grant, can be used for school supplies like books, bags, and clothes. 它向领取某些福利的人提供,旨在帮助支付学校费用,即使儿童尚未开始上学。 It's available to those receiving certain benefits and is designed to help with school costs even if the child isn't starting school yet. 申请可在网上或通过电话进行。 Applications can be made online or by phone.