苏格兰社会保障局敦促苏格兰人检查是否有资格每周领取180英镑的残疾津贴和家庭津贴。 Social Security Scotland urges Scots to check eligibility for up to £180 weekly in disability and family benefits.
苏格兰社会保障局正在敦促苏格兰人,特别是无酬照护者、残疾人和低收入者,检查他们是否有资格享受经济福利。 Social Security Scotland is urging Scots, especially unpaid carers, disabled individuals, and those on low incomes, to check if they're eligible for financial benefits. 本组织为15项福利提供一个在线核对器,包括残疾津贴、丧葬费和对有年幼子女的父母的支助。 The organization offers an online checker for 15 benefits, including payments for disabilities, funeral costs, and support for parents with young children. 儿童残疾津贴等福利可每周提供180英镑,苏格兰儿童津贴为16岁以下儿童每四周提供106英镑。 Benefits like the Child Disability Payment can provide up to £180 weekly, and the Scottish Child Payment offers about £106 every four weeks for children under 16.