苏格兰政府计划结束针对儿童贫困的双重儿童福利上限。 Scottish Government plans to end two-child benefit cap, targeting child poverty.
苏格兰政府计划废除双子女津贴上限,目的是使15 000多名儿童摆脱贫困。 The Scottish Government plans to abolish the two-child benefit cap, aiming to lift over 15,000 children out of poverty. 政策改变需要联合王国政府的合作,是预算草案的一部分,其中包括国家保健服务、理事会和负担得起的住房方面的创纪录支出。 The policy change, which requires cooperation from the UK government, is part of a draft budget that includes record spending on the NHS, councils, and affordable housing. 英国劳工政府在全国解决上限问题面临挑战, 批评者则认为该政策会加剧儿童贫穷。 The move challenges the UK Labour government to address the cap nationally, with critics arguing the policy increases child poverty. 2025-2026年,苏格兰预算总额为477亿英镑。 The Scottish budget totals £47.7 billion for 2025-2026.