苏格兰发行了300万英镑的“直接起步早餐”,为处境不利的学童提供免费膳食。 Scotland launches £3 million "Bright Start Breakfasts" to offer free meals to disadvantaged school kids.
苏格兰政府启动了一项300万英镑的“直接起步早餐”计划,向数千名处境不利的小学生提供免费早餐。 The Scottish Government has launched a £3 million "Bright Start Breakfasts" scheme to offer free breakfasts to thousands of disadvantaged primary school children. 教育秘书Jenny Gilruth宣布的这项倡议旨在帮助消除儿童贫穷,并通过在上午提供托儿服务来支持工作父母。 The initiative, announced by Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth, aims to help eradicate child poverty and supports working parents by providing childcare in the mornings. 它补充了现有措施,如扩大免费学校用餐和取消2个孩子的上限。 It complements existing measures like the expansion of free school meals and lifting the two-child cap.