英国父母必须在12月31日前申请政府儿童保育支助,2025年最多可提供2 000英镑。 UK parents must apply by Dec. 31 for government childcare support, offering up to £2,000 in 2025.
2025年,联合王国年幼子女的父母必须在12月31日之前提出申请,领取最多2 000英镑的政府儿童保育支助,每周15小时免费儿童保育。 Parents of young children in the UK must apply by December 31 to receive up to £2,000 in government childcare support for 15 hours of free childcare per week in 2025. 该计划向有9个月及以上子女的在职父母提供,从2025年9月起将增至每周30小时。 The scheme, available to working parents with children aged nine months and older, will increase to 30 hours per week from September 2025. 凭单代码必须每三个月更新一次,父母可以使用教育部的网站检查其资格和申请。 Voucher codes must be renewed every three months, and parents can use the Department for Education's website to check eligibility and apply.