马尼托巴省拨款811K元, 用于让男性和男孩参与防止性别暴力的方案。 Manitoba allocates $811K for programs engaging men, boys to prevent gender-based violence.
马尼托巴省政府已拨款811 000美元给五个社区方案,旨在通过让男子和男孩参与,防止基于性别的暴力。 Manitoba's government has allocated $811,000 to five community programs aimed at preventing gender-based violence by engaging men and boys. 这些资金是加拿大打击这种暴力行为的国家行动计划的一部分,最大份额为220 000美元,将提供给埃尔姆伍德社区资源中心。 The funds are part of Canada's National Action Plan to combat such violence, with the largest share, $220,000, going to the Elmwood Community Resource Centre. 该倡议旨在增强男子和男孩发展更健康关系的能力,改变文化态度,对虐待零容忍。 The initiative seeks to empower men and boys to develop healthier relationships and shift cultural attitudes towards zero tolerance for abuse.