澳大利亚的土著主导群体获得资助,支持三个地区的家庭暴力受害者。 Aboriginal-led groups in Australia receive funding to support victims of family violence in three regions.
澳大利亚亨特地区由土著主导的两个组织获得了资金,用于支持Maitland、Cessnock和Port Stephens的土著家庭暴力受害者及其子女。 Two Aboriginal-led organizations in Australia's Hunter region have been funded to support Aboriginal victims of family violence and their children in Maitland, Cessnock, and Port Stephens. 12个月的“安全和强健”方案提供辅导、家庭支助和游戏小组等服务,旨在医治和预防暴力。 The 12-month "Safe and Strong" program offers services like counselling, family support, and playgroups, aiming to heal and prevent violence. 该倡议恰逢 " 反对性别暴力16日 " 活动日,标志着在解决家庭暴力方面向倾听土著声音的转变。 The initiative coincides with the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and marks a shift towards listening to Aboriginal voices in addressing family violence.