西中地警察局向锡克妇女援助组织捐赠了查封的资金,以打击家庭虐待。 West Midlands Police donated seized funds to Sikh Women's Aid to combat domestic abuse.
西米德兰警察局向锡克妇女援助组织捐助了5 000英镑,以支持该地区锡克族和旁遮普族社区的家庭虐待幸存者。 West Midlands Police donated £5,000 to Sikh Women's Aid to support survivors of domestic abuse in the region's Sikh and Punjabi communities. 这些从罪犯手中缴获的资金将用于制定学校教育方案,向儿童传授健康关系和承认消极行为。 The funds, seized from criminals, will be used to develop an educational program for schools, teaching children about healthy relationships and recognizing negative behaviors. 这一倡议旨在使西米德兰成为妇女和女童更安全的地方。 This initiative aims to make the West Midlands a safer place for women and girls.