津巴布韦高等法院裁定艾滋病毒状况不再是刑事判决中的一个特殊因素。 Zimbabwe's High Court rules HIV status is no longer a special factor in criminal sentencing.
津巴布韦高等法院裁定,在对罪行判刑期间,艾滋病毒状况将不再被视为特别减轻因素。 Zimbabwe's High Court has ruled that HIV status will no longer be considered a special mitigating factor during sentencing for crimes. 这一决定的依据是艾滋病毒治疗的进展,这使病毒更易于控制,致命性较低,与其他疾病类似。 The decision is based on advancements in HIV treatment, which have made the virus more manageable and less deadly, similar to other illnesses. 法官强调,利用艾滋病毒状况寻求宽大判决是滥用该条件。 Judges emphasized that using HIV status to seek lenient sentences is an abuse of the condition.