津巴布韦总统面临压力,要签署废除死刑的法案, Zimbabwe's president faces pressure to sign a bill abolishing the death penalty, a move backed by rights groups.
权利团体正在敦促津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加格瓦签署一项将废除死刑的法案。 Rights groups are urging Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa to sign a bill that would abolish the death penalty. 该法案已经通过议会两院,预计将由总统签署成为法律,总统自2017年以来没有发出过死刑令。 The bill, which has passed both houses of parliament, is expected to be signed into law by the president, who has not issued death warrants since 2017. 这一举动被视为该国在人权方面迈出的重要一步,大赦国际等组织赞扬了潜在的变化。 This move is seen as a significant step towards human rights in the country, with Amnesty International among those praising the potential change.