津巴布韦高等法院宣布一项禁止未成年人和已婚强奸受害人堕胎的法律违宪。 Zimbabwe's High Court declared unconstitutional a law banning abortions for minors and married rape victims.
津巴布韦高等法院裁定,一项禁止未成年人和已婚强奸受害者堕胎的法律违宪。 Zimbabwe's High Court ruled that a law prohibiting abortions for minors and married rape victims is unconstitutional. 马克斯韦尔·塔库瓦法官宣布法律侵犯了人的尊严,因为它迫使儿童处于危险的怀孕状态。 Justice Maxwell Takuva declared the law violates human dignity, as it forces children into dangerous pregnancies. 这项裁决有待宪法法院确认,其目的是保护弱势群体免受不安全堕胎和艾滋病毒/艾滋病和宫颈癌等健康风险的侵害。 The ruling, awaiting confirmation by the Constitutional Court, aims to protect vulnerable groups from unsafe abortions and health risks like HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer.