艾滋病规划署的报告:到2030年消除艾滋病需要保护人权和消除保健障碍。 UNAIDS report: Ending AIDS by 2030 requires protecting human rights and removing barriers to healthcare.
艾滋病规划署的一份新报告强调,到2030年消灭艾滋病取决于维护人权。 A new UNAIDS report stresses that ending AIDS by 2030 depends on upholding human rights. 尽管治疗进步、污名化、歧视和惩罚性法律阻碍了许多人,特别是妇女、女孩和男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者获得服务。 Despite treatment advances, stigma, discrimination, and punitive laws block access to services for many, especially women, girls, and LGBTQ+ individuals. 报告要求取消限制性法律,确保公平获得创新。 The report calls for removing restrictive laws and ensuring equitable access to innovations. Elton John和爱尔兰总统Michael D. Higgins等全球领导人强调包容和同情的必要性。 Global leaders like Elton John and Irish President Michael D. Higgins highlight the need for inclusion and empathy. 南非正在纪念世界艾滋病日,重点关注平等权利和护理。 South Africa is marking World AIDS Day with a focus on equal rights and care.