津巴布韦废除死刑,加入反对死刑的全球趋势。 Zimbabwe abolishes the death penalty, joining a global trend against capital punishment.
津巴布韦已成为废除死刑的第127个国家,签署《废除死刑法》成为法律。 Zimbabwe has become the 127th country to abolish the death penalty, signing the Death Penalty Abolition Act into law. 津巴布韦的最后一次处决是在2005年。 The last execution in Zimbabwe was in 2005. 这一举动延续了十年的宣传并符合全球趋势,75%的国家现在反对死刑。 The move follows a decade of advocacy and aligns with a global trend, with 75% of nations now against capital punishment. 该法将死刑改判为终身监禁,但包括一项可在紧急状态期间恢复死刑的条款,这一条款受到人权团体的批评。 The act commutes death row sentences to life imprisonment but includes a clause that could reinstate the death penalty during states of emergency, a provision criticized by human rights groups.