津巴布韦废除死刑,将大约60名囚犯保留在死囚牢房。 Zimbabwe abolishes the death penalty, sparing about 60 prisoners on death row.
津巴布韦已经废除死刑,在2005年最后一次执行死刑将近20年之后,该国结束了死刑。 Zimbabwe has abolished the death penalty, bringing an end to capital punishment in the country nearly two decades after its last execution in 2005. 埃默森·姆南加格瓦总统签署了《废除死刑法》,使之成为法律,挽救了大约60名死囚的生命。 President Emmerson Mnangagwa signed the Death Penalty Abolition Act into law, sparing the lives of approximately 60 prisoners on death row. 大赦国际称赞这一举动是朝向全球废除死刑迈出的重要一步。 Amnesty International praised the move as a significant step toward global abolition. 津巴布韦现在与其他24个非洲国家一道,废除死刑。 Zimbabwe now joins 24 other African nations in eliminating the death penalty.