明尼苏达州共和党人为了打破立法僵局,反对抵制民主党的重新召回选举。 Minnesota Republicans push recall elections against boycotting Democrats to break legislative deadlock.
明尼苏达州共和党人正在针对所有66名抵制民主议院的议员推动重新召回选举,以结束立法僵局。 Minnesota Republicans are pushing for recall elections against all 66 boycotting Democratic House members, aiming to end the legislative stalemate. 在2024年有争议选举之后,共和党赢得了狭隘的多数并安插了议长后,抵制行动才开始。 The boycott began after Republicans secured a narrow majority and installed their Speaker, following a disputed 2024 election. 从每个区收集25个签名开始的召回努力,如果得到法院批准,可能需要25%的合格选民进一步签名,这种努力可能会超过10个月。 Recall efforts, which started with collecting 25 signatures per district, could extend over 10 months if approved by the court, requiring further signatures from 25% of eligible voters. 民主党人指控共和党人试图非法夺取政权。 Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to seize power unlawfully.