密歇根共和党人走出街头,抗议Dems拒绝就道路筹资、工资和病假投票。 Michigan Republicans walk out, protesting Dems' refusal to vote on road funding, wages, and sick leave.
密歇根州众议院共和党人为抗议而退席,要求投票表决与道路筹资、告密工人最低工资和带薪病假有关的法案。 Michigan House Republicans have walked out in protest, demanding votes on bills related to road funding, minimum wage for tipped workers, and paid sick leave. 他们指责民主党人拒绝谈判这些问题,而只注重其他立法。 They accuse Democrats of refusing to negotiate these issues, focusing instead on other legislation. 民主党人今年第一年后将失去对众议院的控制,他们继续推动自己的议程,敦促共和党人恢复投票。 Democrats, who will lose control of the House after the first of the year, continue to push their agenda and urge Republicans to return to voting. 僵局使关键法案未获解决,立法会议只剩下几天时间了。 The standoff leaves key bills unresolved with only a few days left in the legislative session.