明尼苏达民主党人威胁要走出去 阻止共和党人控制众议院 Minnesota Democrats threaten to walk out to block Republicans from taking House control.
明尼苏达州立法机构的民主党人威胁星期二要退出, 可能阻碍共和党人控制众议院。 Democrats in Minnesota's Legislature threaten to walk out on Tuesday, potentially blocking Republicans from taking control of the House. 参议院从临时的领带开始 The Senate starts with a temporary tie. 民主党人要求分享权力;否则,他们将抵制,任由国务卿史蒂夫·西蒙决定法定人数是否存在。 Democrats demand a power-sharing deal; otherwise, they will boycott, leaving Secretary of State Steve Simon to decide if a quorum exists. 这种紧张关系是在法律挑战以及一名民主参议员死亡、使立法控制复杂化的情况下发生的。 This tension comes amid legal challenges and the death of a Democratic senator, complicating legislative control.