明尼苏达州的立法者面临一场具有挑战性的届会,在预算需求与政治和法律不确定性之间取得平衡。 Minnesota lawmakers face a challenging session, balancing budget needs with political and legal uncertainties.
明尼苏达州立法者正在准备举行一个繁忙的立法会议,重点是在目前法律不确定和潜在领导层变动的情况下通过下一个国家预算。 Minnesota lawmakers are gearing up for a busy legislative session focused on passing the next state budget amid ongoing legal uncertainties and potential leadership changes. 参议院少数党领袖马克·约翰逊 (Mark Johnson) 预计会面临挑战,包括 DFL 与共和党在众议院可能出现的平局,以及参议员妮可·米切尔 (Nicole Mitchell) 未决的入室盗窃案审判。 Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson expects challenges, including a possible DFL-Republican tie in the House and Senator Nicole Mitchell's pending burglary trial. 国家面临结构性不平衡,长期护理和特殊教育费用不断上涨。 The state faces a structural imbalance and rising costs for long-term care and special education. 立法者必须在5月19日前通过预算,以避免召开特别会议,并在6月30日前通过预算,防止政府倒闭。 Lawmakers must pass a budget by May 19 to avoid a special session, and by June 30 to prevent a government shutdown.