研究发现,后来的更年期与更健康的血管有关,减少了妇女心脏病的风险。 Later menopause linked to healthier blood vessels, reducing heart disease risk in women, study finds.
科罗拉多·博尔德大学在环流研究中进行的一项新研究显示,晚年更年期女性的血管大大健康,降低了其心脏病风险。 A new study in Circulation Research by the University of Colorado Boulder reveals that women experiencing menopause later in life have significantly healthier blood vessels, lowering their heart disease risk. 这种好处与更好的线粒体功能和血液中更有利的脂质水平相关。 This benefit is linked to better mitochondrial function and more favorable lipid levels in their blood. 研究结果可能导致新的饮食干预和治疗,以减少妇女患心脏病的风险。 The findings could lead to new dietary interventions and therapies to reduce heart disease risk in women.