Stephanie Moreno博士的研究结果显示,更年期过渡与妇女CVD风险增加有关。 Menopause transition linked to increased CVD risk in women, per study by Dr. Stephanie Moreno.
德克萨斯大学西南医学中心Stephanie Moreno博士最近领导的一项研究发现,接受更年期过渡的妇女面临心血管疾病风险增加。 A recent study led by Dr. Stephanie Moreno from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that women undergoing menopause transition face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). 研究表明,更年期可能导致脂质蛋白质剖面的变化,增加心血管疾病,如冠状动脉疾病发展的可能性。 The research suggests that menopause may lead to changes in lipoprotein profiles, increasing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease. 这些调查结果挑战了先前的信念,即CVD主要是一个男性问题,可能需要及早采取干预措施,以管理脂质蛋白变化和减少心血管风险。 These findings challenge the previous belief that CVD is predominantly a male issue and may warrant earlier interventions for managing lipoprotein changes and reducing cardiovascular risk.