更年期研究获得更多的资金和关注,专家们推动改善治疗和工作场所支持。 Menopause research gains more funding and attention, with experts pushing for better treatment and workplace support.
影响45至55岁女性的更年期正在获得更多的研究和筹资重点。 Menopause, affecting women typically between ages 45 and 55, is gaining more research and funding focus. Baugh博士和Batchelor博士等专家强调了解症状,并寻求治疗如荷尔蒙疗法的医疗建议。 Experts like Dr. Baugh and Dr. Batchelor emphasize understanding symptoms and seeking medical advice for treatments like hormone therapy. 新举措包括增加NIH的资金和白宫给予妇女健康的赠款。 New initiatives include increased NIH funding and a White House grant for women's health. 保健服务提供者和倡导者也在推动制定更好的工作场所政策和培训,以支持雇员。 Healthcare providers and advocates are also pushing for better workplace policies and training to support employees. 尽管取得了进展,但更年期研究与以男性为重点的条件相比仍然资金不足。 Despite progress, menopause research remains underfunded compared to male-focused conditions.