欧盟和37个国家计划成立特别法庭,起诉俄罗斯领导人对乌克兰的入侵。 EU and 37 nations plan special tribunal to prosecute Russian leaders over Ukraine invasion.
欧洲联盟和其他37个国家已经为一个特别法庭奠定了基础,以起诉俄罗斯侵略乌克兰,攻击俄罗斯政治和军事领导人,包括弗拉基米尔·普京总统。 The European Union and 37 other countries have laid the groundwork for a special tribunal to prosecute Russia for aggression in Ukraine, targeting Russian political and military leaders, including President Vladimir Putin. 这一行动旨在追究俄罗斯对其入侵的责任,并为乌克兰设立一个国际索赔委员会,以评估索赔要求。 This move aims to hold Russia accountable for its invasion and establish an International Claims Commission for Ukraine to assess compensation claims. 该法庭将在欧洲委员会框架内设立,谈判预计将在4月结束。 The tribunal is set to be established under the Council of Europe framework, with negotiations expected to conclude by April.