乌克兰总检察长对俄罗斯部队违反国际人道主义法处决乌克兰军人的行为进行审前调查。 Ukraine's Prosecutor General initiates pre-trial investigation into Ukrainian serviceman's execution by Russian forces, violating international humanitarian law.
乌克兰检察长办公室已开始对俄罗斯部队违反国际人道主义法处决一名乌克兰军人一事进行审前调查。 Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office has initiated a pre-trial investigation into the execution of a Ukrainian serviceman by Russian forces, violating international humanitarian law. 一名乌克兰军官可能斩首的头被钉在木桩上。 A social media video showed a probable Ukrainian officer's decapitated head impaled on a stake. 乌克兰监察员Dmytro Lubinets向联合国和红十字委员会提出上诉,指出该视频是俄罗斯违反国际人道主义法的又一行为。 Ukraine's Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets appealed to the UN and ICRC, stating the video is another violation of international humanitarian law by Russia. 据称犯罪现场是俄罗斯贝尔戈罗德州Kolotilovka检查站。 The alleged crime scene is believed to be the Kolotilovka checkpoint in Russia's Belgorod Oblast.