乌克兰检察官调查关于俄罗斯军队在Pokrovsk附近射杀3名投降军人的战争罪指控。 Ukrainian prosecutors investigate alleged war crime of Russian troops shooting 3 surrendering servicemen near Pokrovsk.
乌克兰检察官正在调查据称俄罗斯部队于8月27日在波克罗夫斯克附近对军事战壕发动攻击后开枪射杀三名投降军人的事件。 Ukrainian prosecutors are investigating the alleged shooting of three surrendering servicemen by Russian troops near Pokrovsk on August 27, following an attack on a military trench. 安德里·科斯廷检察长报告说,基辅正在调查73名乌克兰囚犯被处决的情况,这是自2022年2月俄罗斯入侵以来有记录的近13万战争罪行的一部分。 Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin reported that Kyiv is looking into the execution of 73 Ukrainian prisoners, part of nearly 130,000 documented war crimes since Russia's invasion began in February 2022. 克里姆林宫否认这些指控,同时正在收集系统杀人的证据,以便采取可能的国际法律行动。 The Kremlin denies these allegations, while evidence of systematic killings is being gathered for potential international legal action.